Hey guys, we are here with the new builder hall 7 base design with you. As you know in builder hall player who gets the more % destruction from opponent base will be winner. So, we need build the base in such a way that it can defend from every attacking strategy. So, in this base builder hall is placed in the center of the base to secure that one star, which can be get from destroying the builder hall itself. So, builder base is placed in the center of the base, where it will be hard to reach. Also, we need placed some defenses around the builder hall, so it can protect the builder hall. That’s where the main defensive structure come in handy. So, in this base, all the main defenses such as Air bombs, roaster, multi mortar are placed around the builder hall. So, it can deal heavy damage against opponent’s air and ground troops, that reach near to the builder hall. And guard post is also placed near to the builder hall. So it can divert those troops that reach near to the main defensive structure and buy some extra time to eliminate opponent troops.
In builder hall, intentionally created funnels will also play role in winning the battle. And we created some opening in this base that will lead opponent ground troops towards the crusher, which is nightmare for ground troops. Because Crusher can eliminate opponent ground troops instantly or can deal heavy damage on them. And all the other ordinary defenses are placed on the edge of the base so it can cover whole base for defense. And all the storage buildings are placed in front of the defensive structures so it can provide some extra time for defense to eliminate those troops that are locked on to these storage buildings.
And you can copy this base design by clicking the “Download Now” button below.