Town Hall 14 Farming base with Copy link

If you are looking for the base that can protect your loot for upgrading your defense, troops and other stuff in the early stage of the town hall 14,

 Let's start with the base overview, shall we.

If you are looking for the base that can protect your loot for upgrading your defense, troops and other stuff in the early stage of the town hall 14, this base is definitely is for you. because in this base every single storage buildings are highly protected with every single defenses. And all the defenses are distributed to prevent most of the popular farming attacking strategies. And by the way, if you are doing farming, you must lower your trophy, because in the lower league, you will get a lots of loot during the live attack, so you can upgrades your stuff quickly. And since it is a farming base, so we placed all the defense that can deal splash damage on opponent's troops all over the base, so that they can deal with spamming troops all over the base. And all the traps are placed accordingly. Also placing all the storage buildings in one compartment rise the chance of losing all the loots in the raids. And placing these storage buildings on the edge of the base makes it easy for the opponent to take all the loot too. So, we placed all the storage buildings into the different inner compartment, which will eliminate both weakness by doing this. Which means, opponent cannot get all loot unless they completely destroy this base. And for the protection, all the defenses are placed where they should be, so let's start with main defenses,

Eagle Artillery

Since most of the farming attack strategy focus on getting resources, so opponent will not consider about taking the eagle artillery on the first stage. So, it is placed in the inner compartment of the base where opponent cannot reach it easily, although they will not give prioritize to take it down in farming attacking strategy. But, when it activate, opponent's troops cannot survive from its shot. And it also provide splash damage too.

Inferno Tower

As you know that the Town hall also kept some portion of the loot in it, And dark elixir is hard to get. And we need lots of it to upgrade our heroes, heroes' pets and troops. So, these two buildings are placed in the center of the base. And to guard it, all the inferno towers are placed around of them. And we set these inferno on the single target. Because if the opponent use electro dragons, they cannot pass through from these deadly inferno tower, because single target inferno towers can eliminate electro dragons in a few seconds. And also they cover most of the compartments where all the storage buildings are located.


All the X-bows are placed in such a way that it can protect core part of the base from all the direction. And it almost cover whole base while it is set on both ground and air target. So if it set on ground target only, it can provide defense coverage all over the base, which will be effective for engaging against queen walk early in the battle. So it can deal heavy damage on queen walk that could lead opponent to failure on their funneling process.

Since these main defense are guarding core part, since Town hall itself is a defense, so it will be even hard to pass through from core part of the base, since it cover pretty much every single inner compartment of the base.

And since builder's hut is the one of the defense in town hall 14, and builder can also repair damage buildings which are near to its effective range. So we placed all the builder's hut near the main defensive buildings. So, if opponent troops are lock on main defensive buildings and taking a lot of damage, builders can repair them and builder's hut can provide backup to those main defensive buildings. So that these main defensive buildings can defend base even longer.

And also Clan castle is placed in the center compartment of the base, it will be hard to lure CC troops from this base as you can see in the picture. So that these CC troops also act as a defense later in the battle. which will make even harder to destroy this base. And for the CC troops we suggest to use the following combinations of troops for specific attack strategies.

1. 2 Super minions, 3 Head Hunters and 3 Archers  (effective for queen charge)
2. 1 Inferno Dragon, 3 Head Hunters, and 1 Witch
3. 1 Baby Dragon, 5 Head Hunters and 5 Archers (effective for lavalloon)

And for the loot protection, all the wizard towers, bomb towers and scatter shots are placed near to the storage buildings along with other ground traps, So that these defense can eliminate opponent's spamming troops at once. And to protect the outer buildings which are still valuable to us such as a gold mines, elixir collector and dark elixir collector, we distributed all the Archer Towers, and cannons along with mortars on the edge of the base. So that they can provide ground and air as well as splash damage coverage on the outer part of the base too. And for the extra protection, all the heroes are placed in such a way that, they can distract opponent's troops, it doesn't matter wherever opponent start there attack. And while these heroes distract the opponent's troops, main defenses can have some extra time to eliminate those troops.

So in conclusion, for farming purpose this base will serve you very well, And there is no farming attacking strategy that can completely destroy this base. And keep in mind that it is work for farming only, so you can use it in lower league. And for the higher league, we will be publishing trophy base soon. Hope you will like this base design. If you do, share it with your friends too.

And you can COPY this base layout by clicking following "Download Now" button.

About the Author

Hey Guys, Welcome to our web page. As you can seen we publish new content related to Clash of Clans Bases of every level of Town Hall everyday. So, feel free to share what kind of base you need through comment or our Facebook page. Thank You for …


  1. second ago
    Nice base 👍
  2. second ago
    War base for townhall 14 only 1or 2star
  3. second ago
    Good base
  4. second ago
    Nice base
  5. second ago
  6. second ago
  7. second ago
  8. second ago
    Nice like it
  9. second ago
    Nice base
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