New TH10 Hybrid Base: Town Hall-Centered Strategy


In Clash of Clans, achieving a balanced Town Hall 10 (TH10) base design is crucial for players who aim to safeguard their resources while also standing strong in war or trophy defense. A hybrid base is an excellent choice for players who need to protect loot during farming while ensuring their base can withstand attacks in competitive settings. The hallmark of an effective TH10 hybrid base is the strategic placement of the Town Hall at the center, acting as both a defensive stronghold and a lure for attackers.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the principles of designing a TH10 hybrid base with a centralized Town Hall. We’ll discuss why this configuration is effective, delve into the placement of defenses, and provide practical tips for optimizing your base to excel in farming, war, and trophy scenarios.

Why Choose a TH10 Hybrid Base?

A hybrid base combines the best aspects of farming and war bases. Unlike a farming base, which prioritizes resource protection, or a war base, which is designed solely for competitive play, a hybrid base strikes a balance between the two.

Key Objectives of a TH10 Hybrid Base:

Resource Protection: Protect Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir storages from frequent farming attacks.
Defensive Strength: Make it difficult for attackers to secure two or three stars in war or trophy pushes.
Adaptability: Withstand both air-based and ground-based attack strategies.

At TH10, the centralized Town Hall becomes a critical component of this balance. By positioning it in the middle of your base, surrounded by key defenses, you force attackers to engage with your strongest defenses early, increasing the likelihood of a failed raid.

The Importance of a Centralized Town Hall

The Town Hall is no longer just a star-granting target; at TH10, it becomes a defensive structure with a decent HP pool and its own damage-dealing Giga Tesla-like trap. Placing it at the center of a hybrid base offers several strategic benefits:
Protection from Early Destruction: A central Town Hall ensures attackers must commit significant troops and spells to reach it.
Resource Defense: By placing storages around the Town Hall, you add a second layer of protection for your loot.
Synergy with Core Defenses: Surrounding the Town Hall with high-damage defenses like Inferno Towers and X-Bows creates a deadly kill zone.
This configuration works effectively against most attack strategies, forcing attackers to choose between securing loot or stars, often failing to achieve both.

Key Components of a TH10 Hybrid Base

1. Core Layout: The Defensive Hub
The core of your hybrid base should be a fortified zone that houses:

Town Hall: The centerpiece of the base, protected by layers of walls and key defenses.
Inferno Towers: Use one in single-target mode to eliminate high-HP troops like Heroes or Golems, and the other in multi-target mode to counter swarms.
Clan Castle: A centralized Clan Castle ensures defensive troops are deployed to protect all critical areas.
X-Bows: Set two to ground and one to both ground and air for versatility.

2. Middle Layer: Support and Splash Damage
The middle layer should include defenses that counter large groups of troops:

Wizard Towers: Their splash damage makes them essential for eliminating swarms of Miners, Balloons, or Hog Riders.
Air Defenses: Spread them evenly to cover the base from air attacks.
Bomb Towers: Place near key defensive buildings or storages for added splash damage.

3. Outer Layer: Funnel Disruption
The outer layer is your first line of defense and should be designed to disrupt attackers’ funneling efforts:

Archer Towers and Cannons: Place them along the edges to target troops attempting to clear trash buildings.
Storages: Position Gold and Elixir storages near the outer layer as “resource shields” to distract troops.
Traps: Use Spring Traps, Giant Bombs, and Skeleton Traps near high-traffic areas to maximize their impact.

Anti-Attack Strategies

Countering Ground Attacks

Against Miner Attacks:
  • Place Giant Bombs near storages and Inferno Towers to disrupt Miners.
  • Use Bomb Towers and Wizard Towers to deal consistent splash damage.

Against Pekka and Golem Attacks:

  • Single-target Infernos can eliminate tanks quickly.
  • Centralize your Clan Castle troops (e.g., Witches or Baby Dragons) to stall enemy troops.

Countering Air Attacks
Against Lavaloon:
  • Place Air Defenses deep within the base and pair them with Wizard Towers.
  • Use Seeking Air Mines near the Air Defenses to target Lava Hounds or Balloons.

Against Dragons:
  • Position Air Sweepers to disrupt their pathing and slow their advance.
  • Multi-target Infernos and well-placed Teslas can deal significant damage.

Countering Hybrid Attacks
Against Hog Riders and Miners:
  • Combine Bomb Towers and splash-damage defenses in key areas.
  • Deploy Skeleton Traps and Spring Traps to disrupt their flow.

Pro Tips for Building a TH10 Hybrid Base

Trap Placement:

  • Tornado Traps work well near the core to stall troops like Balloons or Heroes.
  • Place Giant Bombs near storages or high-traffic paths to eliminate swarms.


Use walls to create multiple compartments, slowing troop progress and disrupting funneling.
Include small compartments around storages to protect resources.

Adapt to the Meta:

  • Regularly tweak your base design based on attack trends in your league or war matches.
  • Watch replays to identify weaknesses and adjust accordingly.


A TH10 hybrid base with a centralized Town Hall is a powerful design choice that provides robust defense against both loot raids and war attacks. By strategically placing defenses, traps, and storages, you can create a layout that frustrates attackers, protects your resources, and ensures your base remains competitive in any scenario. If you like the above base design, share it with your friends. And you can follow us on social media for upcoming base designs. And you can copy this base from the following "Download Now" Button.

Building an effective hybrid base requires constant adaptation and testing. Use friendly challenges, analyze attack replays, and stay updated on the latest attack strategies to refine your design. With the principles outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to creating a formidable TH10 hybrid base.

Happy clashing!

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